Thursday, October 27, 2011

Got wood?

I've recently developed an addiction to wood. I should probably rephrase that so I don't com off sounding like some Viagra junkie... I have developed a fondness for wood working. But, being a Phamily on a tight budget, I'm not one to shop for high quality box-store boards. There is a "zero" under the wood column in our budget. That last part is actually a lie; there is no wood column in our budget.

There is also no furniture line in our budget. But low and behold we needed furniture for our son. I've never been a woodworker, but I did go to art school, once. Something should have stuck... right? Fast forward, I started collecting these huge pallets from a nearby bathtub makeover store and soon thereafter, I'm building custom furniture. Who'd a thunk it?! This could be a legitimate business sitting right under my nose and it's win-win-win:
1. I get to design and create and build
2. It brings in extra money to the bottom line
3. It keeps old pallets out of landfills and fire pits

Here are the latest projects to role out from Chucked Wood:
Potting Bench
Deck Table


  1. I love the deck table. Do you finish them with anything, or just sand and seal?

  2. Thanks Brian! I'm always experimenting with different finishes. This was a simple deck seal finished with tung oil. I ultimately want to get to a point where both sealing and finishing are eco-friendly. I'm open to suggestions.
